Canon- Investigation and Analysis
On slide 6, it should state "front covers" and on slide 7 it should state "advertorials" however when I embedded this PowerPoint into SlideShare this issue occurred even when I attempted to fix the issue it persisted.
Have you ever read an advertorial? If yes, what would you expect from an advertorial? And if not, why haven't you read one yet?
Overall, every response that I gathered showcased that advertorials were not well known as the answers ranged from "I didn't know they existed until now" to "same" to "I don't know what an advertorial is." This informs me that my target audience don't tend to read advertorials and they don't know what to expect from an advertorial. Using this for the print advert, this will inform me that I need to create something that is eye-catching enough to make my target audience want to pick an advertorial up and read it. I can do this through stunning images that would make my target audience engaged, big fonts and sizes so then my target audience knows what they're reading straight away with only a quick glance or making snappy points that don't bore the reader.
What would make an advertorial appealing to you?
Overall, my responses that I gathered showed that my target audience look to the visual aspect of an advertorial rather than the writing as the responses ranged from "the colour and the theme" to "if the concept was interesting or not" to "the colour scheme and the design." This informs me of the aspects my target audience cares most about in regards to an advertorial.
What do you think of when you hear the word "Journey"?
Overall, the responses I gathered showed that my target audience think of a literal journey rather than a symbolic one as the answers I got ranged from "a start, an end, and the positive outcome out of it" to "a destination" to "going from one stage/place to another." This informs me that my target audience understand a literal journey a lot more than a mental health, healing, along with many other journeys.
Using this for the print advert, this has informed me that could shine a light on the significance of more symbolic journeys in my print advert or stray away from an actual journey and come up with an interesting concept.
Do you prefer images or writing?
Overall, the responses that I gathered from this question overwhelmingly showed that I should focus on stunning imagery for the print advert as the responses I got all were "images." This informs me that my target audience may not be awfully interested in the writing aspect of a print advert or the fact they would pick an advertorial up if the images were intriguing.
Using this for the print advert, this has informed me to put more of my attention towards the imagery of the advert rather than the writing.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Overall, the responses I gathered from this question showcased that part of my target audience may like YouTube, content creation, gaming or witchcraft as the answers I gathered ranged from "witchcraft, content making" to "YouTube" to "gaming, witchcraft, content making." This informs me that the people I did the focus group with (and more than likely a majority of the target audience) would enjoy any of these topics explored in the print advert.
Using this for the print advert, this has informed me of even more potential ideas I could focus on that links to journeys.
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